Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Strategic Blogging

Hi everyone,

As you read in the About section, this blog is an assignment for a social media class. In the class, we are learning about communities and specifically how communities can use social media to help their campaigns grow. Those campaigns might simply look like a neighborhood wanting to put on a block party or a young professionals group trying to attract more members. The community this blog identifies with is the Antique collector and enthusiast community. In the past few weeks, we’ve learned how to listen to communities – to get to know them – who they are, what they talk about, and what they care about. Then last week, we read about how to use the POS method in order to execute a social strategy within the communities. POS stands for people, objectives, and strategies. I think that the antique community could benefit from an energizing! This blog is designed as part of a social strategy to continue to grow the antique community and enable the community to become more engaged. I will post about where to find antiques along the shoreline — the shops, the goods, the deals — in effort to help those new to the antique community to better understand antiques along the shoreline! I hope you enjoy my gallivantings!

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